Creating a safer environment
The aims of a road safety audit are to:
- ensure that highway schemes will operate as safe as practicable and comply with the safe system approach in that the following crash types are prevented:
- head on collision at 70kph
- side impact at 50kph
- impact with street furniture/tree at 40kph
- impact with pedestrian at 30kph
- minimise risk, casualty numbers, severity and vehicle conflict,
- that all road users are considered;
- to improve safety awareness in the highway design process.
We undertake independent road safety audits from feasibility stage to final construction. Our auditors have a wealth of road safety experience are hold the Highways England Approved Certificate of Competency enabling them to practice on the UK Motorway and Trunk Road network. They are Fellows and Members of the Society of Road Safety Auditors and have together conducted in excess of 2000 road safety audits ranging from small scale local engineering schemes to multi-lane mega projects in the Middle East and Kazakhstan.
Our auditors are accredited and approved by the State of Qatar Public Works Authority (Ashghal), UAE and the Ministry of Works, Kingdom of Bahrain. PAF are regularly instructed by design organisations, supervising consultants and contractors to conduct independent road safety audits at all stages for various project types such as Local Roads & Drainage Schemes, Expressway Projects, Developments and Temporary Traffic Management layout and diversion.